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Zodiac Tattoo Design

Picking the Right Artwork For You

A Zodiac tattoo design is something that you have most likely put a lot of thought into. It doesn't matter which sign you are, there are so many special and different things that you can incorporate them on your body. If you are like most other people, you are looking for your artwork on the internet, also. Well, here is what you must know about much of the generic designs on the web, as well as how to locate the good stuff.

The first thing that needs to be brought up is the fact that there are still way to many people out there who are settling on designs that they are not completely happy with. I am talking about before they even get it inked. The yare picking artwork that they don't 100% like and they are getting it inked on their body. Don't ask me why some folks do it, because they just do. This might even happen with the Zodiac tattoo design they you choose, who knows.

When looking for that Zodiac tattoo design online, here is what you need to watch for...

The first and only thing that you need to know about has to do with the tools you are using to locate your Zodiac tattoo design. I am talking about search engines, which is what 98% of the people ion the web use to locate designs for tattoos. Using search engines to find a quality Zodiac tattoo design is a bad choice. Notice that I used the word "quality". That is because search engines don't bring you to very many websites that have true quality content. You can use the engines to find just about anything on earth, but relying on them to find quality tats is not something that happens very often.

I remember at time in the near past that you could actually use the right keywords in Google and up would pop the sites that you truly wanted. That doesn't happen much anymore, especially when it comes to finding good artwork for tattoos. Finding a good Zodiac tattoo design while using Google is like trying to shave with a banana. Almost every single place that you find through search engines will be cookie-cutter websites that have mostly generic art

This is art that wasn't even truly drawn to be made into real .tattoos. That's why they don't come out as good on yours skin as it looked on paper. Many people don't realize it, but by then it is a little bit too late. That will be a Zodiac tattoo design that you might just end up hating on your body in a few years time. Not only that, but most of the tattoos you find thorough Google and Yahoo are way over seven/eight years old. Old tattoos aren't necessarily a bad thing sometimes, but it is a bad thing if you are looking for the newest of the new stuff.

Here is how to locate any quality Zodiac tattoo design you want with minimal work...

There are many things in life that you can settle on. But tattoos are not even close to being one of them. I have seen it so many times where people rush into their decision and settle on something "just to get it done". This is why you will want to find out just how useful an internet forum can be at finding quality artwork for your Zodiac tattoo design. I say this as someone who continues to use them to this day and am never disappointed. Forums are absolutely loaded with unique insider knowledge about tattoos and the hidden websites that have tons of it, even for a Zodiac tattoo design.
Cancer tattoo,tattoo

You will find many posts and links to sites that have just what you are looking for. The best part about it is that these tend to be the places that have real artwork that was drawn by real artists. This means you will be able to find a zodiac tattoo design that will look just as good inked on your body as it looked on paper.

Japanese Tattoos

japanese tattoo,tattoo,tribal tattoo
The Unkown History of Japanese Tattoos

Japanese history goes back thousands and thousands of years. Early Japanese people were well known for their skills in artwork of jewelry, metal, and even weapons. They were warriors as well, regarded as fierce fighters by the Americans. Throughout Japan, there are many examples and evidence of artwork and Japanese Tattoos.

Over the years, modern Tattoos evolved and established symbols for themselves along the way. Throughout North America, people often wear japanese tattoo,tattoo,tribal tattoothese symbols to let others know that they are a Japanese descent. The symbols and knowledge have been passed down through the years, as there is little no written history. Tattooing however, keeps the tradition alive with the infamous Japanese lettering Tattoos and other popular designs.

Most tattoo designs come from Japan, where the evidence of history is very strong indeed. The Japanese College found in Japan, contains many manuscripts that document the heritage and symbols. The height of tattooing however, occurred during the era when stone and metal work was really popular.

Japanese lettering tattoos are some of the most popular and most common designs, featuring loops with no end that symbolize a never ending cycle of dying and rebirth. There are also animal tattoo designs as well, which are japanese tattoo,tattoo,tribal tattoosimilar in design to the knot tattoos, although the cords in the design normally terminate in heads, tails, and feet. The lettering tattoos designs are normallynever ending, unless an individual adds an end to symbolize a spiral.

The meaning behind the lettering in Japanese tattoos defies any type of literal translation and is found at a much deeper level. The interlacing of the lettering expresses the repeated crossing of both physical and spiritual elements. The strands and their never ending path is a popular design for Japanese tattoos, representing life, faith, and love. For many years, Japanese have used these designs for emotional as well as heritage purposes.

japanese tattoo,tattoo,tribal tattoo

Those who are from a Japanese descent, normally find a tattoo to be a great way to express their heritage pride. These tattoos help to reestablish pride, and give tribute to one's ancestors. The tattoos aren't easy to do, most taking several hours. Unlike other tattoo designs, Japanese tattoos are among the hardest designs in the world.

Foot Tattoo Designs

If you're looking for foot tattoo designs - specifically the best tattoos for your foot or ankle, then you've come to the right place. In particular, we're going to talk about where to find them, why you should sign up with an online tattoo design database, and finish with some of the most popular foot and ankle tattoo designs. By the time you've finished reading this article, you're going to know everything there is to know about getting the right foot tattoo design for your personality.

So where can you find tattoo designs for feet and ankles? Your tattoo artist should have a few popular selections. But what if they don't have what you're looking for?

In this case, the best thing to do is sign up with an online tattoo design database. The best ones have thousands of high quality designs, which gives you the best chance of finding something which fits with your personality. They also charge a small one-time fee for unlimited access, including printouts. Think about it: You're going to have your foot or ankle tattoo for a long time, so it's worth spending a few dollars to get the right design.

Now let's talk about some of the most popular foot and ankle tattoo designs. Obviously, you're going to have a smaller design here - but they can still look stunning. Some popular designs are tribal tattoos, spiral celtic knotwork, butterflies, and fairies.

In conclusion, this article talked about foot and ankle tattoo designs. We looked at where to find them, why you should think about signing up to an online tattoo design database, and some of the best tattoo designs to have on your foot or ankle. Now that you have finished reading this article, you should know where to look for foot tattoo designs which will be perfect for your personality.

Tattoo Safety - Making Sure Your New Tattoo is Safe

If you came of age in the 1960s and decided to get a tattoo, you probably did it to show that you didn’t want to belong to the rich trendy establishment.

But if you came of age in the past ten years and got a tattoo, you probably did it to show that you did belong to the rich trendy establishment.

Tattooing as a form of self-expression has moved from the domain of heavy metal “bad boy” rock stars, military lifers, and Harley-Davidson road hogs in the 1970s to being common among film stars, athletes, and pop stars. From Sir Ian McKellen to Angelina Jolie, Mike Tyson to David Beckham, and Eminem to Brittany Spears, tattoos have become mainstream.

Dating back to King Harold II, who died in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings, and whose disfigured corpse was identified, legend has it, by the “Edith and England” tattooed on his chest, even members of the various royal houses of Europe have indulged themselves in the colorful art. Princess Stephanie of Monaco is only the most recent in a long line of them.

Life Magazine, in 1936, estimated that about 6%, or ten million, of all Americans had tattoos; in 2003, according to a Harris Poll, nearly one in six, or about fifty million, given today’s population of three hundred million, are sporting them.

And only last year, in 2006, the American Academy of Dermatology reported that almost one in four of all Americans between the ages of 18 and 50, and more than one in three of those between 18 and 29, have a tattoo.

Tattoos, in other words, are hot. And with the burgeoning demand for them, there is a burgeoning demand for tattoo parlors. But anytime there’s money to be made, there will be those who want to make it in the easiest way possible. So if you are considering getting a tattoo of you own, you need to watch your own, possibly soon to be decorated, back.

Tattooing is not without its risks. If it is done in sanitary conditions by an experienced tattoo artist, it usually will not result in any lasting health problems. But tattoo safety relies on the person injecting a foreign substance permanently into one’s skin. And it’s only natural that some people who get tattoos will experience adverse reactions, ranging from skin irritation to allergies to infection, even when the parlors they use practice the highest standards of tattoo safety.

Even the FDA, as the watchdog of the cosmetics industry, has weighed in on the dyes used in tattooing ink. It has given them the all clear for use in lipsticks, but has remained silent as to their suitability for permanent skin injections. On the other hand, it has not yet tried to regulate their use.

You should know, however, that some red tattoo inks contain mercuric sulfide and ferric hydrate, and mercuric sulfide, present in cinnabar and vermilion inks, is associated with increased allergic reactions sometimes to the forming of granular lesions. These lesions are little nodules which appear because the body’s immune system sees the tattoo dyes as a foreign substance. The nodules reaction can occur with any colored tattoo inks.

Dubbed the “red reaction”, the sensitivity to red tattoo inks may lead to swelling, itching, and inflammation around the tattoo. But the reaction may also lie dormant for many years.

You don’t have to have a medical degree to know that, when you allow yourself to be tattooed, you are allowing thousands of miniscule openings to be made in your skin. And you know that with every breach of your skin there is a chance that bacteria will find their way in.

You can minimize the chances of a bacterial invasion, however, by doing a little pre-tattoo safety investigating. Verify that your tattoo artist uses brand-new sterile needles; that he or she does the equivalent of a brain surgeon’s hand scrubbing before getting to work; and that he or she puts those thoroughly clean hands inside some even cleaner gloves. Skin infection is uncomfortable, but blood infections can be deadly.

If you find yourself in a tattoo parlor where the artist wants to use a deodorant stick to transfer the tattoo design from the paper to you skin, make sure that the deodorant applied to a fresh piece of paper, and then transferred from the paper to your skin. Directly Sharing a community deodorant stick goes against all the rules of tattoo safety, and is one great way of loading your skin with germs before the tattoo needle gets anywhere near it.

If you are someone with a compromised immune system, for instance, if you’re diabetic, you are at greater risk than the general population for infections, and may have an extended healing period following your tattoo.

And while tattoo parties may sound like just the sort of thing wild and crazy people love to do, they are in reality no different from sharing a needle to mainline heroin. Whatever is on that needle when it makes it way to you is going to be yours to keep. That includes things like the Hepatitis B and C viruses, or even HIV. There is, where tattoo parties are concerned, no such thing as tattoo safety .

Even if you get your tattoo in spotless circumstances, you’ll need to take care of it properly during the healing process. The tattoo artist will get you started by applying some a topical anti-bacterial and bandaging it. So you need to know, and tell the artist, if you are allergic to any particular antibiotics.

Once you get your new tattoo home, just follow common sense tattoo safety precautions in keeping it clean.

Leave the bandage on for about an hour, and when you remove it, wash you tattoo with an antibacterial soap and cool water. Then cover it with an ointment to prevent your skin from chapping, and repeat the routine every four to six hours for about a week.

Keep your tattoo out of the sun, keep it from drying our, do not scratch at it, and when you do touch it to clean it, wash you hands with antibacterial soap first.

Don’t expose your healing tattoo to any “community” water with a dip in the swimming pool or shared splash in the tub. And, if you want to maintain the strength of its colors, keep it away from chlorinated or salt water.

And even when it looks healed, keep using an alcohol-free moisturizer on it several times a day for another month.

A tattoo, applied according to tattoo safety standards, and allowed to properly heal, is a great way to make you feel special, and maybe just a touch “naughty”. So don’t settle for any but the cleanest parlor and most careful artist, and you will be treating yourself to a bit of color which will last the rest of your life!

Tattos for Woman

tattoos for woman,tattoos
Tattos for Women? You Bet!

It’s not really known how long tattooing has been around but it’s quite Egyptians practiced the art of tattooing.

One may think the art of tattooing has its history mainly with men. Not so. Women from various cultures tattooed their bodies for a variety of reasons. Take the women from Borneo. They would mark themselves to show what they were skilled at, such as weaving or a gatherer of medicinal herbs. This communicated their rank as marriage material. In western Asia, girls were marked in such a way as to show their place in society.

Tattooing has gone through its ups and downs over the centuries, has even been banned many times in different cultures for periods of time. It appears that tattooing will never really go away. During periods of a ban it seems to go underground until such time it is free to resurface.

Tattooing, possibly as long as 12,000 years ago and we do know the ancient (which is a Tahitian word meaning “to be marked”) in some cultures, has only the women being allowed to do the markings.

Today’s women are free to make their own choices in regards to tattooing. It is becoming more and more popular to have artistic designs placed just about anywhere on the body. You commonly see tattoos adorning an ankle, or husbands or boyfriends names on a forearm. Some women like to have a private tattoo for their spouse only.

Even celebrities are getting them such as Pamela Anderson and Christina Applegate.

Even twenty years ago, you did not see tattoos on women very much. Now you can go to any beach and see a design on
the lower back of young girls tanning in the sun.

There are many types of tattoos to choose from such as gothic or Celtic design, Polynesian or Tahitian. Our current day artists are becoming more creative in their custom patterns. You can choose from the old or new designs

Cool Tattoos

cool tattoo,tattoosPractitioners admit it hurts like hell and speech is initially difficult, but claim that the surprise factor of sticking out their tongues at unwary persons is worth the effort.

For those seeking out cool tattoos getting the tongue tattooed might be too much. Circus carny and graphic designer Curtis McMurty is the person credited with developing a specially patented Tongue-Dyed Tattoo™ technology.

And McMurty's innovation doesn't stop with the visual. He claims the new technique has the same durability as any regular tattoo, but has the added aspect of eliciting a specific taste to go with the design. "They come in chocolate, vanilla and garlic.

cool tattoo,tattoos
If you really want to shock a person's sensibilities, go for the garlic — you won't be disappointed."

"I've always been unique. My friends say I'm 'touched.' Now I'm twice as unique!" — Egrett Emry, tongue tattooer

The first person to have the procedure done was Egrett Emry, who has a depiction of vomit it was a toss-up between that and an "Eat Me" graphic). Emry's roommate acknowledged that Emry's first week after>cool tattoos,tattoo getting it done has been ". He really sucks at taking phone messages."

Emry later noted in an email interview that, "I've always been unique. My friends say I'm 'touched.' Now I'm twice as unique. If scientists could grow another tongue on me through stem cells, I'd totally tattoo that one, too. Hey, I'm a no-hold-the-bar kinda risk-taking guy."